Saturday, November 8, 2008

Best Gestures

Gesture Drawings #1 and #2

Gesture Drawings #3 and #4

Gesture Drawings #5 and #6

One area I find myself to be strong with is including the whole figure on the picture plane. I can use the space effectively without exceeding the boarders. In gesture drawing #3 and #5 are both exceptional examples of using anatomical landmarks. In drawing #3, it is easy to see the pelvis landmarks of the pubic bone, and top of the iliatic crest. The rib cage is also laid out well because of the understanding of the hour glass shaped formed with the bottom of the ribs and the top of the pelvis. In drawing #5, it clearly shows the sacrum triangle and glute outlines to create an understandable gesture drawing.
In all of the drawings except for drawing #6 the long axis lines are dominate. I particularly favor drawing #1 because it has no outlines, and minimal long axis lines, but the models position is still able to be comprehended. Drawing #1 also has good line variation. The lines in the head of the figure show a range in value by having a dark line on the right and lighter lines on the left. Drawing #6 also has a great range of line value. The lines in the front are the darkest and gradually get lighter as the figure moves deeper into the picture plane. Gesture drawing #5 has the greatest line variation overall of sharp, soft, long, short, fast, slow, etc. The vast variety of lines gives this gesture drawing a good sense of life.
Drawing #4 show good exaggeration of the models pose. The long spinal axis has a great big curve which helps show the viewer that the model was bending over and bracing herself on her knees. Drawing #2 also has a exaggerated spinal column to show how the model is leaning to her side.

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